Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Computer strike

Boy have I had a stressful few days!! On Saturday night in the middle of printing a big 500 item job my computer decided to roll over and DIE!! I figured maybe it was overworked and it probably deserved a few hours off, so left it alone for a bit to cool down (I certainly needed to cool down by now too lol)

But a few hours later and it was no better. Kept giving me an "unmountable boot volume" error and wouldn't even get to the start up screen. I thought ok I can handle this, I'll get my cousin over here first thing Monday to look at it. But even with a few phone calls to a friend (even more expertise than him) I was told my hard drive was f***** (excuse my french). This meant all my work for the last 5 yrs was gone, including the jobs I was working on and due out NOW!! I was really freaking out by this stage. I rang the computer lease place in Auckland to see what they said. Basically they didn't hold much hope for it but to bring it up anyway for them to have a look at.

Cut a long story short ... 2hrs later and alot of ups and downs ... they saved her!! With all files intact!! I tell ya, I could have hugged that guy! I've never been so appreciative of normal life with a normal working computer!! lol

So consequently didn't make it to weigh in yesterday. Will have to wait till next week to see my good results on the scales. I told myself it could have been a bad eating week I couldnt make it to weigh in not a good week ... heheh.

I've got an extension on this job till Thursday. (sounds like I'm a naughty school girl who lost her homework! lol)

Got another pic of the house today ... inside kitchen shot. Went to see it yesterday while I was in Auckland... and fell in love with the kitchen. The colours have turned out far better than I imagined. Kept walking round going "wow,wow,wow". Was a highlight of the day (I've put the pic in the album for you to see).

Came down with a migrane on the way home (around 10.30pm after seeing the last client). Think it was a combination of all the driving and the stress of the last couple of days. By the time I got home I was in tears. I could hardly open my eyes. Walked in the door and flopped into bed. I don't know how Bill does it, driving to Auckland and back each day. Well not long to go now (10wks or so)

I'll go put the kitchen house pic up for you now.
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 79.8kg
GW 65kg

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