Sunday, March 30, 2003

To compliment or not to compliment

I had my family get together last weekend and I for most of it enjoyed the experience. Caught up with some cousins I hadn't seen in a little while.
Was really secretly hoping someone would notice my 9.4kg loss ... but was disapointed with nothing. My food intake was really good all weekend. I had prepared with a few saved points up my sleeve. I ate lightly during the day and had a 19 point dinner which was alot but still within my allowance for the day. I even declined having desert (something I have not done in a very very long time) Especially good since it was an 'all you can eat' deal. Normally I would have wanted to get my money's worth.
The next day was a lunch thing and I managed to just pick at vegetable sticks and dip. Then with half a piece of birthday cake to finish off. Even finished the weekend with another spare point saved .... yay me!!
I have my suspicians that my mother is also on ww and not telling me. She served up a very point friendly lunch when we arrived on Saturday. And showed me a cake she made with no sugar and no butter! (very nice btw) My mother is known for her lovely (unhealthy) cakes. So this was extremely out of charactor for her. We must be both as proud as eachother with not saying we are on a weightloss programme. Stupid thing is... if she is on ww then we could be motivating eachother. I didn't want to tell any of my family I was doing this so they didn't feel abliged to compliment me. Then when I got any compliments I knew it was for real. So far I haven't heard a thing except for one ...
After everyone went home on Sunday my cousin and his wife stayed for dinner. He made a comment about me making him feel bad about himself with me losing all my weight (his way of saying youre doing fantastic) After thanking him I said I was surprised he noticed as no one else has noticed (or at least said anything) "How could they NOT notice???" He said. "You look fantastic!" So that was my head swellor for the day. Thanks cousie!
I'm off for a walk this afternoon. Mum has my toddler so it's just me and baby while the older two are at school. Makes a nice change for a week.
We have no water at the moment (the water pipe blew as we were leaving on saturday morning and the plumber is yet to arrive) so my water intake has been hard. Every drop of water we have is critical. Hopefully the plumber will be here this afternoon, I'm getting impatient.
Should be interesting this weigh in. My food points have been good, however I haven't been eating much during the day with big dinners twice. And water and exercise have been down a little. Hopefully remedied this afternoon :)
Till tomorow, thanks for reading!
Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 98kg
GW 65kg
9.4kg lost in 11 weeks on weight watchers

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