Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thankyou you!!

Wow thankyou all soooo much for your support through this! It's so amazing how just having someone say 'thinkin of ya' makes a huge difference!

I arrived home last night and working on getting back to a normal routine again although it's continually in the back of my mind that while I plod along with everyday things my sister is trying to deal with everything still. But I mustn't let that stop me from trying to regain normality.

Her and I have spent alot of time crying over the last ten days along with the rest of the family. There are no answers to all the why questions but it was very helpful to know that no matter what decisions were made differently it looks like the outcome would have been very similar. That in itself makes the healing process alot simpler.

The funeral was very sweet. I was fine for the first half hour after I'd arrived at the chapel, until I looked over to my sister and seeing her grief stricken face made me brake down in tears ... again. Part of me felt so guilty (and please don't tell me off for saying this, it's just an emotion that I need to express to get rid of it) but I have four beautiful children and falling pregnant for me is just so easy, too easy at times. I would have a child for her in a heartbeat!!! But it's not as easy as that. I have offered before and will offer again someday down the track. But for now she needs to get her body healed again and of course her heart.

Lynda you asked what caused this ... she had what they thought were cysts on her ovaries throughout her pregnancy but they didn't want to operate as it would put the babies at risk so they just monitered her pain.

Then one afternoon she got a sudden temperature and the rigers (uncontrolable shaking) so went up to the hospital and as she got there she became overwelmed with uncontrolable 10/10 pain. They then took her into surgery to find out why she was in such pain. As they opened her up they realised that what they thought were cysts were infact absesses and her body at that stage went into complete septic shock and started to shut down due to the poison from the puss. As to where the absesses came from? Not totally sure, they think possibly from fybroids which became inflammed from hormone treatment during IVF.

The positive in all of this is that Trish is still alive, although still in hospital but she will make a full recovery.

Now onto normality for me ... and on the eating front don't really know at all how I've gone. Haven't weighed myself, my clothes aren't any tighter but have not counted any points for the last 10 days. Next weighin will be Wednesday ... ohhh and I have my computer fixed again. So hard staying on track without you guys to keep in touch with.

So good to be back!!!


Christine said...

Very glad to have you back. You certainly have been thru lots this past while - I hope you are well and I hope that your sister finds the strength she needs right now to take care of herself. She is very lucky to have you.

Sienna said...

Glad you are home. What a tremendous amount you have gone through, your poor sister.

Chris H said...

My heart goes out to your sister... and I wish her all the best in any future endeavours to have children. Glad you are back to 'normalicy' mate.... chin up.

Tania said...

There's nothing like the support of family during times like this. There's a whole range of emotions that we go through and feeling guilt is a normal part of this cycle. I wish you all strength at this time.

Anne said...

You've all been in my thoughts. Can't even begin to imagine the emotions they are going through, sturggling to get pregnant, then the excitement and now this, very sad. Here's hoping she gets her wish.

Name: Lynise said...

Hi ya,
Bill will no doubt tell you that I phoned, I'm away for four days (long weekend) but will be in touch next week.

Chubbymum said...

Hun great to see you are back at home now. I sent a text to see how things were going at the start of the week but assume things have been busy.

Big hugs

Lee-Anne said...

Glad you've both been crying. Grief is something that has to be expressed to allow the healing to begin. It's been a tough couple of weeks for you mate. Now you can all move ahead slowly and take one day at a time.

Glad to have you back.

BTW, Col was in Waihi yesterday. That house now has all it's windows and doors.

Kathryn said...

Oh my gosh Lyn that is terrible, I haven't read your blog for a couple of days. My heart really goes out to you and your family. I couldn't even imagine how hard this must be for all of you.

Big hugs!!

jen said...

Welcome back, you and your sister and family have been in my thoughts often...glad to hear she will make a full recovery.

The Candid Bandit said...

There is nothing I can think of to say except welcome back honey.


Moby Dick said...

No words...You, your sister, and your family have all been through some devastating loss...My prayers are with all of you.

Nona said...

Glad you are back and that your sister is on the mend.

Whatever the scale says don't be too hard on yourself. You have been through a lot.

Be well.