Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Catch up

Where to start??

Thankyou all for your lovely comments. I'm sorry for not updating in such a long time. No excuses really, just got into a funk and decided to take a break for a bit, from weight watchers and blogging. No other reason.

It's been a crazy month ...

Firstly, I didn't get the ambo job. Got a bit disalutioned at first wondering if I was wasting my time thinking I could ever get a paid ambo job. After a couple of days sulking I snapped myself out of it and realised I still love doing my ambo work regardless of whether I get paid or not.

I was informed by one of my bosses that the only reason I didn't get onto the short list was my qualification level and to keep working on that. So that's what I'm doing. I've since been asked to apply for a relief officer position which I have and am waiting to hear back about. If I'm successful in this it will give me something very positive to put on my cv and the pay is very good when you do get work, although can be very speradic. But it all helps at the end of the day.

We got some very sad news last Monday 9 June. Bill's brother in Switzerland died in an absailing accident. We still don't have all the exact details as to what happened. His other brother is over there at the moment organising bringing his body back to New Zealand for burial. In the meantime Bill has been organising his funeral and I've been running the shop and house. He was only 36 years old! Far too young for anyone to die!! He arrives back in the country on Friday and his funeral will be here in Waihi on Monday.

The other news is that we have had an offer on the shop which we are going to accept. There's been negotiations back and forth for the last couple of weeks and we have come to a price both us and the purchaser agree on. It goes unconditional in the middle of July with settlement date 31 July. It still may fall over, as with any sale it's not final until the money's in the bank but I feel very positive about it.

Both Bill and I are excited about the next chapter in our lives. Not quite sure what we're both going to do but to be relieved of the burden of the shop which we have worked our butts off in for the last four years will be very nice.

We've decided that for the meantime we will stay in Waihi, shifting from the beach into Waihi itself (a bit cheaper rent and more jobs). The kids are happy and settled here so hopefully we can find a job ... see what happens, who knows??

I've applied for a part time admin job in a research lab here in Waihi. I've made it to the final two people and find out in the next 3 weeks if I'm successful or not. So hopefully with that and the relief ambo stuff will be enough to get us by. Then Bill will also keep his ear to the ground for some work.

So very sad and exciting news all in the same post.


Jaxx said...

Am so sorry to hear about Bill's brother.... good luck for the job hunting.

TitanThirteen said...

My goodness you HAVE had a busy month!
The right job will come along. With each knock back you get, something better and just for you, is getting closer :o)
It's sad about your brother in-law. You are right, 36 is WAY to young!
Are you back at WW now?

Anne said...

How very sad for Bill and his family. IS is too young.

Lots of changes going on in your life, exciting for you all. Good luck with all your plans.

Lee-Anne said...

Wow huney. You're right. What a difference a month makes.

So sad about Bill's brother. Was he on holiday over there. You poor things having to deal with the red tape on top of everything else.

With all that's been happening in your lives I can just imagine how things have been. Big decisions to make. I hope with all my heart they all work out and everything falls into place for you.

If you need anything just give a tinkle. Will be thinking of you.

Take care chick.

Marie said...

Sorry to hear about bills brother. Hope everything works out for you

Yummy Mummy said...

How sad.. that is way too young!
Fingers crossed for your new life without the shop!!!

Zanna said...

So sorry to hear about Bill's brother but glad that everything else is ok in your world. Exciting new stage of your lives about to start with no shop and the chance of more paid ambo work - so happy for you. Take care and glad you'r back - I missed you! Z xx

jen said...

How sad to hear of Bill's brothers accident, deepest sympathy to you all.

Fingers crossed for the sale of the shop going throu with no hassles, and all the very best to you and Bill in the next installment of your lives.


Kate said...

Very sorry to hear about Bill's Brother.

You have so much going on, no wonder you didn't update! I'm sure everything will go exactly the way you want it to, and the way it's meant to!

Rachel said...

Sorry to hear about Bill's brother, very young.

Great news about the sales of the shop.

Good luck with the job hunting.


Tania said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, such a tragic waste.

How exciting for you both to be starting a new chapter in your lives, I hope lots of new opportunities present themselves soon.

Tania said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, such a tragic waste.

How exciting for you both to be starting a new chapter in your lives, I hope lots of new opportunities present themselves soon.