Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Baby steps


I have outgrown nearly ALL my clothes. This is so depressing!! I'm down to around 10 items of clothing of which I have 4 pairs of trousers, well that was until this morning when I got ready for work and I found another pair that I no longer fitted! Grrrr!! So now I'm down to just 3!

I refuse to buy any more because I'm going to fit back into them! I WILL!!

So far I've had WW cereal, s/trim milk and a banana for brekkie and 2 hot cross buns (no butter) for morning tea.

Isn't it so true that when you make a decision to change your eating to lose weight, things automatically come along to test you? And I'm sure this only happens then. Or maybe it's just that we notice it then. I got given a free cornetto icecream this morning. It looked devine and yesterday I would have happily eaten it not giving it a second thought. Not today, although it adds to the feeling of my throat being cut!! I do feel proud of my choice. For now that's all I have to hang onto ... pride!

I'm choosing not to count points at this stage. I'm kindof doing both the "no count" and points plan combined. Basically eating only 'no count' foods but adding a couple of extra things in that I know are good on the points plan. I know I'll probably need to tweek that in a week or so and become more disciplined but it's a far side better than I was eating yesterday!

Anyway I'm doing okay today but then again it's only 10.30am ... I have a long way to go yet!!

Lyn :)


Karen said...

Welcome back hun! Its so great to see you blogging again! I am with you 110% of the way!
*hugs* - always here for ya!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Lyn, what a time you've had... glad to hear your life is getting back on track. Good luck, you've done it before, and you'll do it again!
Ally :0)

Anonymous said...

hey girl,

read all your blags in the past and thought wow, and now re reading your back still think wow you have had a hard time, and are going to get back to where you want to be, iknow its not going to be easy, but you havent given up the fight and i have every confidence in you that you will face all the ups and downs and succeed once again,,

happy p

Lee-Anne said...

Welcome back, I too read your blog and you inspired me. you've had a rough time that's for sure but you've found yourself again and thats the best thing. Everything will fall into place and you're definitely not alone. Don't be scared of the scales - we all have to have a starting point.

Chubbymum said...

OMG OMG I have missed reading your posts hun. I am SOOOOO Glad you are back.

In February I came into your shop in Waihi and I brought a drink... I was Soooooooo hoping to meet you in person... but a little scared too as you have been such an inspiration to me.

We are going to Anthenree just after Easter... it is so nice over there.. so peaceful.

I am glad you are back and you know what... you are back and that is all that needs to be said aye... you still manage to inspire me with what you have been through and now you are getting back on track even with all the other things in your life YOU ROCK!

Woohooooo (big hugs)

Love CM