Saturday, January 25, 2003

Yesterday was a good eating day, but very stressful with 4 kids home on holidays. They nearly sent me round the bend.
I ended up going for my planned walk as Bill arrived home early from work. A good brisk 30min walk, so I was very proud of my efforts.
I ran out of points after dinner and was in a 'picking' mood. The ww menu was only 1 piece of pizza and salad which didn't fill me up so an hour later I was lookin round for something else to eat.
I decided to cook up the leftovers from the night befores meal so felt a little bad having 2 dinners, but good in the fact that I had 7 points saved to be able to use of which I only needed to use 3. So all in all I think I had a successful day.
This afternoon should be interesting due to Bill being home ... we tend to pick at food when we are bored ... so we shall see.
It is also coming up to the time of the month and I usually crave sweet foods so I will have to be strict with myself.
I will update you tomorrow as to how I went.
SW 107.4kg (236lb)
CW 104.2kg (229lb)
GW 65kg (143lb)

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