Sunday, January 26, 2003

This lifestyle is becoming second nature now .. that is both good and bad. Very easy to slip into laidback gear and slip up but at the same time also not so intense ... being able to carry on with other parts of the day without my 'diet' being the centre of attention.
Yesterday also went well but I am struggling eating all my points still. I have been told not eating all my points could be detremental to my overall weightloss. I have come to the conclusion that the reason I find it difficult to consume my daily points is purely psycological. I am scared of getting to the end of the day, having no points left to use and still being hungry. I am becoming a compulsive points saver! (maybe I should start a support group) lol!
This is only a minor point and something I need to work on.
Bill has taken the kids out for a few hours so giving me some peace and quiet here by myself (oh the bliss)
My sister may be coming up for the day (public holiday here in new zealand today) and we may head of to an art exhibition in the city, then for a game of minigolf. Shouldnt be too hard to stick to my plan (she also is on ww) and a good healthy bit of exercise too (if I run around the course .. lol) I will have to do a bit of planning tho to organise lunch while we are out.
I'm finding finances a little tough at the moment. That was the reason it took me so long to join ww. It actually costs a lot more to eat healthely than it does to pig out on junk food (ironic isn't it?) So far we are keeping on top of it ... just.
Our grocery bill has gone from $150 per week to $200 per week ... tallying up to over $200 extra per month. Combine that with the $20.00 per week meeting cost and it can certainly but a big dent in the ol' wallet. My sister gave me a generous birthday present a few weeks back of 10 sessions of ww meetings. This has definately helped us out... thankyou Trish!
I managed to get out for another half hour walk last night ... yay! I'm starting to find areas in our neighbourhood I had never noticed before. We live 2 mins walk from the water here and as crazy as this sounds .. In the 2.5yrs we have lived here I have never walked along the waterside!! (until last night that was) I am normally a closet homebody, choosing to potter around the house rather than venturing out in the big scary world. This is partly due to my consious feelings of my weight and wanting to hide from the world, partly from having a home run business (need to be here to answer phone) and having 4 kids. It's a huge effort to go out, pack all the kids up, let alone my lack of energy from the excess weight I carry around with me. It is so much easier to sit in my little chair in my little house and ignore the world around me.
I am noticing as I start to lose weight, my energy levels rise, my psycho becoming more positive and my confidence starting to rise. It's only early days yet, but I can see myself on the way up ... yay!!

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