Friday, May 19, 2006

I don't know why

Thanks Karen and CM :) I appreciate that you are both there for me.

I'm in a really bad headspace right now and originally I hoped that journaling would give me the outlet and place to gather my thoughts together. But this hasn't happened. Instead I feel bad for writing anything negative, especially when it seems to be constantly negative, so I don't write ... then I feel guilty for not updating.

I also hoped that by blogging it would inspire me to get my eating sorted but nope. Mind you I think it would actually take quite a bit to get me back on track. I have to have my head sorted before I can lose weight. It's sooo isn't sorted yet.

I've struggled with depression off and on over the years but always seem to click myself out of it. This time tho it has really gotten the better of me.

Things are going well between Bill and I. He is still drinking every now and then but not every night. His controlling nature and emotional maniputation when drunk has completely stopped. And when he does drink he's learning how to stop before he's gone to far.

Depression is such a bizarre thing. To the hundreds of people that come into our shop no one would even suspect that there was a problem in my head. I smile and chat as normal. But under it all I want to just sit down in a corner and cry and cry and cry. I don't want to talk to anyone and certainly don't want to admit to anyone that I have this weakness. Because to me it is such a weakness. I feel so guilty for feeling like this.

I read an interesting story in the Sunday News this last week about Mike King's battle with depression. And something he said really struck a chord with me. He said the very fact that he had nothing wrong and no reason to feel depressed was the thing that drove him more depressed. He couldn't understand why he felt this way and would tell himself off like a naughty boy.

And that is exactly how I feel some days. Last time I had a depression attack there was a reason ... Bill and I had split so I felt ok about it and was able to deal with it. This time there's no reason. Bill and I are happy, he knows I feel this way and he's trying to help, which makes me feel even worse (sound stupid?)

Last time I used medication to help me through but I really don't want to do that again. It just played up with my weight so much. I've since found out that's the biggest side effect to antidepressants ... ironic huh?

Thankyou so much for your guys concern and I really know you mean well but I don't need lots of polite backpats. It makes me cringe to think that people think I'm weak and need mollycoddling. That probably came out wrong ... it's not that I don't like you for writing comments ... arggh ... what do I mean here??? I guess I'm saying I'm not one of those attention freaks who want so much to have comments written that they will write anything to get people to say ... ahhhh it's ok we love you ... I don't want that and that's not what I'm about ... at all ... ever!! I'm just trying to do something or say something that makes sense ... somehow.

Well maybe this entry has helped. I certainly didn't know why or how or what this morning when Bill asked me why I was feeling this way. I couldn't give him an answer. Lots of little things maybe???

who knows??



JustJo said...

Re the comment thing..... I feel exactly the same way! Jo :)

Karen said...

Hey I certainly don't mean to "mollycoddle" you when I comment... just like to let you know that I am here for you if you ever need to talk.
*hugs* take care

Anne said...

Hi Lyn

I'm commenting (and this isn't just a polite back pat) just want to say have often thought about you and how you were doing. Sorry to hear life has been a bit hellish for you. Hang in there:)

Karen said...

just popping in to see how you are doing? Tried sending you an email but it got bounced back...

JustJo said...

Hey Chick. Just letting you know that I am thinking of you and hope that you are all OK. I'll try to send an email.... Jo :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lyn,

I haven't ever posted to your blog before but I have been (lurking) watching your weight loss journey for a really long time and find you truly inspirational.

I just wanted to say I don't think anyone thinks your weak - in fact probably the opposite. Nobody talks about depression much as a rule but I have been there and so have many many others.

If you are trying to avoid the drugs (I've tried medication too) - what works for me is high potency vitamins and walking every day. I have to force myself when feeling crap but after a few days my mood starts to lift.

God hope I don't sound wacko.

Good luck