Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Apologies for my outburst yesterday :)

This cycle of feeling good and bad can be pretty stressful. I am feeling really good today. After re-reading yesterdays entry I feel a little arkward and embarrased. I can be so overdramical!! But at the time I can't see anything else but the dark cloud and nothing seems to blow it away.

Today is good tho and my eating yesterday was good and focused. I even drank all 6 glasses of water... but still no exercise. Bill is doing big hours this week so exercise will be a little hard to fit in.

The 'for sale' sign went up last night ... a little earlier than we expected but certainly gets us moving into cleaning up. Ordering a big skip bin today to get rid of all our 'junk' we have hoarded over the 3 yrs of being here. There's a sence of satisfaction about throwing out stuff.

We sat down and did a budget last night so I'm feeling a whole lot better about that. I get so stressed out about finances, not sure why. Lucky Bill is the opposite, the ever optimist (leaning to the frustratingly flagmatic). Nothing fases him, no matter how hard the situation he can always see the bright side of things. The annoying side to this type of personality... everything always gets put off till later. But a small price to pay for his positive energy vibes. I don't know where I would be without Bill... he continuely cheers me up. I think thats why I get so down when he works late. I just hate not being with him (that's enough gooey stuff for today lol)

Here's my eating for yesterday ...

BREAKFAST - cereal bar 2pts
SNACK - hot chocolate 0.5pt, milk 0.5pt, marshmellow 0.5pt, lite cream 1.5pt
LUNCH - bread 1pt, egg 1pt, cheese 1pt, veges 0pt
SNACK - Apple 0.5pt
DINNER - lean beef 3pts, Cous cous 6pts, veges 0pts, chicken gravy 3pts

Total 20.5pts/22pts
Saved 1.5pts
Total saved 8pts
Water 6 glasses (yay finally)
Exercise ... nothing
Total bonus points 6pts

Lyn :)
SW 107.4kg
CW 89.8kg
GW 65kg

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