Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just what the doctor ordered!

I got the sweetest phone call from Lynise on Monday to say she was kidnapping me for the day on Wednesday and taking me to her hairdresser to get rid of the greys I mentioned in my blog. I was blown away and it was the best thing I needed!!

So at 10am she picked me up and off we went. I nervously walked in to her hairdressor and had to admit that my haircut was home done. How embarrasing but she was lovely about it.

We discussed what colour I wanted and I told her something bright and 'punkish'! (delayed teenage rebellion coming out in me). "Cool! We'll have some fun" she said.

It was so nice having a hairdressor actually listen to me and not talk me out of something radical. We decided on a bright red, blonde with a dark brown base.

As she was washing the colour out she made a comment about it being VERY BRIGHT! As I took a look in the mirror I told her I LOVED IT! A look of relief come over her face followed by a big smile.

I got her to 'trim' up the mistakes and I had to chuckle as she commented how tricky it was to trim something that 'had no rules'.

Then she proceeded to get out the hairdryer!! I exclaimed "are you going to blowdry my hair?". She saw the look of horror on my face and asked "Oh don't you blowdry your hair?" Ohhh nooo!! Me and the hairdryer don't see eye to eye! lol but told her to go ahead anyway.

After a few moments she realised what I was talking about. "ohh I see what you mean" lol. A bit more product later and it was fine.

Taa Daa!!!

Lynise and I then went for a coffee and bite to eat at a cafe down the road. I suddenly realised my unusual haircut wasn't so unusual. In the few hours at the cafe I saw 3 people with the same haircut!! lol

We had a great catchup and talked the hours away!

Thankyou so much Lynise!! What a godsend you are!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007


I AM SOOOOO BORED!!!! No shop work ... no ambulance work ... arrghhhh!!! And you know what I do when I get bored??? ....

I make rash decisions on the spot ... some good ones ... some bad ...

so guess what I did today .... out of pure boredom ....

I CUT OF ALL MY HAIR!!! ARRGHHHHH!!!! Four years taken to grow it ... and it's all gone!!

Here's the result ...

I don't regret it ... yet ... lol! Been thinking about getting it cut off for a while now. And btw it's on purpose that they're in black and white ... still need to get rid of the greys!! lol

And in amongst my blah moments the last few days I got some nerve wracking, nail biting, but 'think I can do it' news ...

The head of Waihi Beach First Response Ambulance is resigning and I've been offered the job. Still voluntary but will include some great skills to achieve and help me towards getting that paid position eventually. I haven't officially accepted the role yet, have to weigh up the time factors, but it will be a challenging but exciting role if I do take it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

On the mend

I had a bit of a down day yesterday. It wasn't just one thing but a combination of things that set me off. By the end of the day I had myself in a downward spiral (not helped by sitting alone on the couch thinking all day). So I sent an email off to a friend to get it all out.

It's amazing the wonders of verbalising something to someone. By the time I got her very kind reply I had most of it sorted in my brain. So today I'm in a lot better mindset and almost ready to conquer the world again.

My ankle is nicely on the mend with just a sticky strip over the wound. Bandage and crutches gone... yay! I have suprised myself and everyone around me in how quickly I've bounced back this time round. I think alot of it has to do with the fact that I want to get back to ambulance as quickly as possible. I went into the ambulance station for a coffee this morning. The ankle is a bit sore/swollen this afternoon but considering what I did I'm very pleased.

I watched an Oprah episode today on a weightloss challenge and it made me realise how much my motivation for losing weight has slumped. I found my motivation at it's highest when I got out each morning to walk. It was my time to clear my head and gain that motivation for the day. So I've made the decision to get back into doing that as soon as I can (obviously in consultation with my surgeon). I always find that when I start doing something towards my weightloss goals my motivation grows even if there's no motivation to start with. So that's my plan ... step one (acknowledge the problem) done ... step two (create a plan) done ...

... now for step three

Friday, October 19, 2007

All done and dandy

I'm home honey!! Miss me??

Yep in and out in one day, no muckin about. I was in panic stations for a bit when they decided to bring my surgery time forward a few hours meaning I could come home last night instead of this morning. My organised ride via ambulance had to be rescheduled.

I arrived at the hospital to the flashest lastest interior decorated polava. Looking at the reception rooms no one would have guessed this was a hospital. At 11.30am I got ushered through to the first examination room, with vitals and weight taken. My BP was only 120/70 and weight 109kg (fully clothed) so happy with all that. Then off to get dressed into the stunning hospital gowns and leg sterilised, given a pair of slippers, dressing gown and sent through to bed to wait. The time actually went pretty quickly and before I knew it was being wheeled off to theatre. I was told to shuffle across to the operating table which felt like I would fall off of, it was so skinny. 12.43pm the theatre clock read and that was pretty much the last I remember.

Next thing they were calling my name and it was over. Felt a little pain (described as 4 out of 10) and sent through to recovery. 1.50pm so surgery only took an hour, hopefully meant good news with no reconstruction needed on the tendon.

Taken up to the ward and dosed on and off for the next couple of hours with my ride coming to pick me up around 6pm and home by 7pm.

I've been pretty dozey and in a bit of pain (not too much) for most of the day. Taking it easy for the next couple of weeks. The medical certificate they gave me instructed 42 days off work ... hmmm ... don't think so! lol

I have a follow up appointment in three weeks so will ask if I can go back to work then.

Until then I'm taking it easy on the couch as the pic shows.

Saturday I have Mandy and her family coming over for a BBQ so really looking forward to that.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Thursday looms nearer!!

Wow that comment was very bizarre. I'm happy to view people's opinions on any subject but ya'd think they'd make it a little shorter so I could be bothered reading it ... ummm nup sorry mate!! lol

The other bizarre thing was that I couldn't delete it. Everytime I pressed the delete button blogger would malfunction... very interesting!!

I think you're right in saying it was because I used gay and teletubbies in the same post. I had nothing against poor old tinky winky, just don't do the gay part myself very well. ... anyway ...

I had a blast and the costumes were a great hit... everyone's goggle eyes as we all walked in said it all. And yes I did get very hot!!! Infact at one stage I had to go outside for some fresh air and on looking in the mirror noticed my bright red face. I went to my station manager and told her "I think I'm overheating love ... look I'm taccycardic with a pulse of 120!! You don't think I'm gonna have an 'mi' (cardiac arrest) do you??" lol ... she chuckled and assured me I'd be fine.

We did get some photos taken but on another lady's camera (not digital) so not quite sure how quickly I can get them up on here.

I was very well behaved and did a lot more dancing than drinking and very grateful for that the next day watching the hungover people have to sit through another 5hrs of lectures!!

In saying that tho I do have a confession to make (oops better not use that word, might get a priest making another horrendously long comment) ... my eating has been shocking the last few weeks and I haven't hopped on the scales in absolutely ages!

I think subconsciously I'm putting it all in the too hard basket at the moment. When I had my ankle surgery a year ago I put on a major amount of weight purely because I was on bedrest for nearly 4wks.

And my surgery date is fast looming on me ... Thursday ... I have a horrible feeling it's going to happen again ... I mean I know it won't but this nagging thing sits there in the back of my head.

Once I get the surgery done and back on my feet again I can get back into it. Right now all I can think of is that horrible operation on Thursday! I probably won't get a chance to update much before that with working all day tomorrow and Wednesday.

Up bright and early getting everything packed for hospital Thursday morning. Have to leave around 10am with surgery booked for late afternoon.

I get to try out the new facilities at the brand spanking new private Grace Hospital in Tauranga but unfortunately I probably won't see much being in and out so quick. Not even sure I get a meal ... have to starve 12hrs before op and let out first thing the next morning... ahh well.

Home again on Friday. I'm kindly being picked up by my own private ambulance and brought home by my station manager ... how cool is that?? I was blown away at their offer!

I'll try and get an update done again on Saturday when I get home to let you know how it went.

I'm sure all will be fine ... I hope! As long as it's better than Pink Panthers experience I'll be happy!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Does my butt look big in this??

I'm leaving for conference in just over 24hrs!!! Wahooo!!!

I won a grant to attend "Traumed" in Whangarei for 3 days! 10 people over Hauraki/Coromandal region (st johns) were chosen and wahoooooo ... they picked me as one of them.

What is Traumed?? It's a conference on Emergency Trauma Care attended by all sorts of professions in the health industry like ED Doctors, nurses, ambulance officers, surgeons ... you name it. So I'm going to be surrounded by some very experienced peps!! Time to act like I know somethin!! lol

On the Saturday night they have a dress up nite in which we're supposed to go to the theme "Saturday night at the movies" ... what the heck does that mean?? After much debate the four of us going in the same car decided it meant "1960's - Rock 'n Roll" ... So I managed to get some stuff together to go as "the Fonze" from Happy Days.

Then this morning I got a letter in the post from St Johns explaining about the conference, including the 'saturday night at the movies theme' ... go as your favourite movie charactor! Ohhh nooo ... so a quick call to my station manager (who is also going) and an executive decision was made ... we're going as ... wait for it ... THE TELETUBBIES!!!!

Can you imagine it?? Dressed up in big fat suits!! Trying to have a few drinks in that thing ... oh my goodness!!! Someone laughed that if we have too much to drink we might fall over and not be able to get back up!!! HAHAHA!!!

Should be a bit of fun anyway ... hope I don't get the purple one ... he's gay!!!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

What the... ????

I spent last night at a training session for ambulance put on by the police about how to deal with a crime scene so that ambulance officers entering a crime scene don't contaminate any evidence. It was a very emotionally draining session with lots of photo's of actual NZ historical murder scenes.

I came home ready for bed. As Bill and I sat chatting before turning out the lights we heard a few 'bumps'. As in the past I presumed it was the naughty cat jumping from the kitchen bench except the fact that Bill pointed to the cat right next to me. We both looked at eachother and Bill jumped out of bed to look out the back window. The security light of the liquour shop next door was on and I quickly heard the familiar sound of a steel pole that is usually used to lock their back door. I jumped to my feet fumbling round for the phone and rang 111. Given the time (11.30pm) and darkness (and the fact that I had already taken off my glasses for the night) I found it really hard when the operator asked me for a description. All I could give her was that there were 3 (that we could see) thin built guys with light coloured hoodies on. The cops were on their way and I was warned from the operator not to go investigate ... as I watched (and tried to silently frantically stop Bill grabbing the metal vacuum cleaner pipe and putting on my running shoes). I told her yep, sure, no problem. She then went on to insure that we weren't to contaminate any evidence. I didn't tell her but felt like saying "Listen lady, I've just spend three hours in a training session put on by police on just that subject".

The next thing the alarm sounded and I saw two guys go sprinting across the back carpark and disapear into the creak. I explained what I'd seen to the 111 lady and she thanked me and I hung up. Feeling quite bummed that once again they'd gotten away.

My thoughts then went to Bill ... he'd been gone over 10mins ... where was he?? I gingerly walked outside and around the front of the shop but couldn't see him anywhere. Then the security guard turned up and relieved I asked him to look around for him for me.

Five minutes later (which seemed like an eternity) Bill came puffing along the footpath. They got one of them!!! And this is his account of when he left the house ...

Little punks breaking into the shop next door!! Shit that could be my shop they are rading. "I'll get the car and suprise them. F*%^K thats the alarm going off. Running down the road checking each driveway and listening i work out that they have gone into the creek and making for the bridge or across to the vacant section next to the bridge. Armed with my manly vacume cleaner pipe I hide and watch the little barstards make a break for it down the road towards me..."STOP U LITTLE SHITS", They split 3 down Dillon St and one back up the road. "He'll Do Me" I think and start the chase. 200 meters and im stuffed. "stop soon shit head or have a heart attack" My thoughts out loud. "Stop you f&%$K" i yell with my 'weapon' in hand. 40 meters later he stops and after a few "stop man the cops are on thier ways" pant, heave, "shit I am fat" mind games he does!! GREAT I can breath again. We walk facing each other and i coax him into stoping. "PUT DOWN THAT BIG THING" he yells;

"Come closer, I'll put it down" I reply.
"No just put it down" pleadingly he says.
"Ok, Ok there it is on the grass... come back here"
"No you're big too"
"I cant fuckin change that can I??!!!"

We walk face to face backwards down the street and I slowly gain his ground. Standing a metre away I say "come back and talk to the cops and sort it out with them"
"Nah, leave me alone, don't hurt me"
"Don't run!!!" (thinking I'm actually too fucked to run!!!) "The cops are coming down the road behind you. Come back towards the shops"
"I didn't do it! I didn't do it!" He squealed like a little pig
"Cool! Just tell the cops that and sort it out with them" Still trying to dredge my breath from the bottom of my bowels
"Don't grab me man! Don't grab me!!" He pleaded, walking down a driveway.
"i know these people! You don't want to go down there! Come back towards the shops. What's your name?"
"Whatever! sort that out with the cops. Just keep walking with me"
"I didn't go inside"
"You were still with them"
"Just don't touch me"
"Nah, nah, nah ... we're sweet" All I could think of was doing a 'Homer on Bart'!

Two hundred metres from the end of the road I grabbed the hood of his sweatshirt and drag him across the road.
"You lied! You lied!!! You said you wouldn't grab me!!"
I was laughing so hard to myself ... you little shit! Of course I'm going to lie, you broke into a liquour shop!
Grabbing his colar and the bottom of his shirt I tied them firmly in a knot and dragged him down the road. He stuck his right arm out of his sleeve as if to punch me. I yelled "Don't fucken hit me man or I'll beat you!! And I'm BIGGER THAN YOU!!!"
"Let go of me, let go of me. You lied" When I tried to grab his arm to put it behind his back he yelled "Don't touch me! It reminds me of my stepfather!"
"Don't give me your sob story you whining little shit!"

After throwing the guy into a hedge three or four times I saw the cop car coming down the street. Holding him on the ground with one arm and waving to the cop car with the other, I thought they noticed me. They didn't! Now I was nervous! And the goon tried to wrestle himself away from me. Back into the hedge he went! Finally the cops see us and reverse back down the road. They jump out and 'Jake' struggles hard to try and break free. I pick him up laterally and throw him into the concrete. Then jump on him with my knee followed by a 105kg of fat!!! The cops yell out "Is this one of them?" Heaving I say yes.

They grab him and one takes him to the car, the other asks for details.
I let them know that the others went down the other street, while making my way back up the road to my vacuum cleaner pipe. "I need some details"
"It's Bill from Beachmart. I just need to go get something from back up the road"
Recognising me they took off down the road to get the other little shits. I pick up my pipe and think "Shit I need to hide this too as I could be viewed as a lethal weapon"

For the next while we wait with the security guard for the owner of the liquour shop to arrive, which seems to take forever. He arrives and tells us while he was on his way from his home 15kms away he encountered 3 abandoned horses galloping towards his vehicle on a main state highway! He TOO rings 111 to report the incident. They reply "I'm sorry sir, but all our officers are currently tied up with a robbery in progress"
They compassionately reply "Well aren't you having a bad night!!!!!!"

An hour or so later the cops turn up with all arrested in the back of the vehicle!


Monday, October 01, 2007

so sack me then ...

Just a quick post to let you all know I'm still alive and kickin. Between ambo and doing my new job (graphic design consultancy) I don't have many hours left in the day ... even for sleeping! I ended up doing an 18hr day yesterday to get a project done for presetation to a client first thing this morning. Have still to hear back how it went, hopefully they liked it.

Had my first MVA on Friday (motor vehicle accident) with only minor injuries, very interesting all the same dealing with police and tow trucks.

I'm currently waiting back on my application to do Nat Cert (National Certicificate in Emergency Care) next year. My manager has approved it but the Regional Support Officer needs to approve it also. I'm a bit cheeky applying to do it because he told me 4 months ago that I wasn't ready and needed more onroad experience yet. But I put the application in anyway, what can he do? Sack me??